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Alternative Energy Sources

Your local experts for energy supply alternatives and advice
As Australians become more aware of the negative environmental impact of traditional energy sources, smart budget managers are increasingly turning to renewable and sustainable energy solutions to future-proof their buildings and businesses. These alternative energy sources are not only better for the planet, but also more cost-efficient over the long term, while remaining less susceptible to supply and market volatility.
What types of sustainable energy sources should I consider?
At Sustainable Facility Group, we advise on several alternative energy sources and their suitability for your business or building, including solar PV (photovoltaic technology), a green energy solution that generates electricity from sunlight. As a renewable and sustainable energy source, this is a cost-effective and low-maintenance solution for businesses that want to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint while maintaining access to a reliable energy supply.

Similarly cost-effective, solar thermal technology uses the sun’s energy to heat air and water, while thermal storage can be utilised to store excess energy from sources such as solar thermal or solar PV to ensure a constant supply of clean and affordable energy. Depending on your needs, other alternative energy solutions may be advised for your building, such as fuel cell or tri-generation technologies, or battery storage.
What are the benefits of renewable and green energy?
• Reduced energy costs
Alternative energy sources can significantly reduce utility bills for businesses and buildings, while providing a constant supply of energy at a lower cost than traditional energy sources.

• Reduce footprint, increase value
Green energy solutions are naturally renewable and sustainable without impacting the environment. Reducing the carbon footprint of a building may also increase the property value when selling or leasing the space.

• Energy independence
Renewable energy technology allows businesses to reduce their dependence on traditional sources, enabling constant access to clean energy while avoiding market price hikes and supply issues.
Which alternative energy source is best for my building or business?
With your business priorities front-of-mind, we undertake feasibility studies, detailed budgeting and benefits analysis to design a strategy that’s tailored to the specific needs of your facility. Our recommendations may include one or more renewable energy sources, as well as certain energy efficiency upgrades or BMS optimisation.

Where desired, we will also work alongside our skilled in-house technicians to implement your alternative energy supply, while managing all project operations and maintenance planning for a seamless and professional transition.
For more information, please call 1300 333 734, or contact us today.

Get the right alternative energy advice for you

Call now to find out more about renewable energy solutions for your building or business.
1300 333 734
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